Modern range targets for the modern shooter!

On National Gun Appreciation Day in America, we launched a website that let people show their “appreciation” for how little congress has done to protect our schoolchildren. features 11 undersized range targets built to the physical specs of school children between the ages of 15 and 5.

Buy one for your favorite gun-crazed lawmaker and we’ll ship it directly to their office on Capitol Hill.

(All proceeds help fund Change the Ref in their fight to reinstate the Federal Assault Weapons Ban.)


Click our WTF button and meet the six lawmakers who not only block common sense gun laws in Congress — they publicly glorify assault weapons for political gain.


Our launch video featured an unsettling, pitched-down AI-voiceover touting this “exciting innovation in scenario-based targetry.” One of a series of videos posted on social media, each directly tagging the communities of the lawmakers above.


The full collection of Ar15&Under range targets, ordered smallest to oldest (click to expand)